Saturday, 1 March 2008

City Of Caves

When coming up with possible ideas for our kiosk, we decided to base it on a tourist attraction in Nottingham. Possible ideas included Sherwood Forest, Caves of Nottingham, Wollaton Hall, Nottingham Castle Museum, and we also considered Nottingham Forest's City Ground. After some discussion, we decided on the City Of Caves attraction in the Broadmarsh Centre. We were surprised to find out that this attraction was situated in Broadmarsh, because we had visited Broadmarsh many times, and had never seen the City Of Caves. So we thought basing a kiosk on the Caves to boost awareness, would be a great idea.

After visiting the Broadmarsh Centre, we realised why a lot of people may fail to notice the City Of Caves, as they are situated right in the far corner of the centre. This got us thinking about the location of the kiosk. We thought the kiosk would be best placed outside the back entrance of Broadmarsh, as you pass the Caves when walking through this entrance. This would be more beneficial because if the kiosk was viewed at this entrance, the person viewing it would be more likely to visit the Caves, as they would have to walk past them on the way in.

Our kiosk will be touchscreen, and will consist of information and photos about the different parts of the Caves. We thought that we would use two phidgets for the kiosk. A slider: to scroll up and down the text, and a joystick: to zoom into a photo, and once zoomed in, navigate around the image.

Usability also has to be taken into account. We would like to have a simple and clear design, that people of all ages can follow. Buttons and text would have to be as big as plausible. As it is a kiosk for a tourist attraction, there may be users who speak little English, so language variants may be needed.